Recipe: how to cook Chinese food, Sweet Mung Bean Soup (summer drink or dessert)
Sweet Mung Bean Soup is a common beverage or dessert in summer for Chinese people. It helps to relieve from summer heat and increase appetite. Making Sweet Mung Bean Soup doesn’t need exact proportion. Like soup, add more water. Like beans, put more beans. If you don’t like the sweet taste, you could cook it without sugar.
mung bean+water 1:8~1:12 (example: 100g mung bean, 800~1200g water)
rock sugar 60~80g
Step 1: wash mung bean and soak for 1 hour.
Step 2: put all ingredients in a pot. turn off the heat after boiling. cap it for 20 minutes.
Step 3: turn on the heat, boiling again. turn the heat and cap it for 20 minutes.
Step 4: check if all beans open. if not, repeat step 3.
Step 5: after cooling the soup at room temperature, put it in the fridge. DONE❕
Enjoy it any time you want~
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